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Friday, May 25, 2007

Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal: An A - Z Guide to Safe and Healthy Eating

You ever see those articles in the magazines that have lists regarding foods that help you take the weight off or make you healthier? I'm always a sucker for them and keep that list for months on end. I suppose there's got to be alot of truth to it. "You are what You eat" and all that right? Actually, if you ever look at someone, who you know eats unheathy, you can see the results in their skin if you know what to look for. Generally, unclear, not so bright complextion, they always look tired ect ect ect. Generally those people aren't putting into them what they need for the lifestyle they are living. That and not getting enough rest probably. I dunno......I'd like to believe there's something to it anyways.

So I went looking for a book on the subject that seemed believable. I found Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal: An A - Z Guide to Safe and Healthy Eating , if the ad doesn't show the right book, just copy the title and click on the ad and you can do a search for it on ebay directly, according to ebay they have 16 up for bids. Sometimes the ads don't show what I ask them too.
The Book Ad has been moved to the right of the blog posting area. (the string of ebay ads)

It has some pretty good reviews for it. I'm concidering buying it. If anyone else gets to one before me or already has it let me know what you think of it.

Here's the reviews if anyones interested.

Editorial Reviews
In a blizzard of conflicting nutritional claims and information, here is a book that gets down to basics, debunks many myths, and gives the reader a useful and comprehensive look at food, nutrition, and health. Based on sound science and the research of more than 300 nutritional experts worldwide, it is well organized and indexed, and will be a refreshingly clear reference for anyone who wants to know about nutrition and health (know anyone who doesn't?). One of the best books I've seen on the subject. From

clearly written resource span general categories of illnesses, food groups, additives, and normal life passages, such as aging. Other entries refer to specific medical conditions or individual dietary elements--from acne and alcohol to zucchini and zwieback. Each medical entry recommends helpful foods, followed by those that should be avoided. The format allows easy access to information, with entries offering straightforward advice, explanations, and answers to pertinent questions. Case studies illustrate examples of positive changes in eating habits or lifestyle that can lead to improved health. Alice Joyce

This book is so easy to navigate and is literally packed with wonderful and useful information. Food are listed and discussed in alphabetical order. You will want to fill your diet with the "good" and understand why some foods are "harmful." I like the way that nutrition is discussed pertaining to certain diseases and conditions such as cancer, hair & scalp problems, kidney disease etc. The book is also a visual treat filled with color photographs and easy to read text & charts.

Theres a bunch more, basically raving in the same manner. Sounds good doesn't it?